The true character of ministry is a servants heart
Millennial Youth is a gathering place where the next generation will grow in the things of the spirit, the word, and in relationship with the Father. A place where they can fellowship and grow together! We believe in empowering this next generation with spiritual and practical tools they can use as they walk out of the calling on their lives. We don't go with the flow or the next coolest and hypest thing, but rather where the spirit leads us to! We don't believe a revival is coming; we are the revival, and it's time to activate!
Pastors Joshua & Sofia BradyTuesday 7PM
The Chapel
Doors open 6:30PM
7th Grade - 12th GradeFacebook: @millennialyouthtulsa
Instagram: @millennialyouthtulsaPlease, contact us via the form below if you have any questions.
Young Adults
Millennial Young Adults is a gathering together of amazing young adults who come from different seasons of life but share a common love for God and others. Our culture of agape love, provides an environment where you can expand in your personal relationship with God and those around you. Our vision is for young singles, married couples, young professionals, or those getting an education to find your place of community! We believe this is the place for you to find your purpose in God, your place in the Body of Christ, and your passion for life!You are the generation, the sent ones, who will rise up to impact the world for Christ!
Let’s do life together!
Pastors Marc & Cynthia MurphyAges 18-34
Meeting MTulsa basement 2nd Friday of the month 7pmFacebook: @millennialyoungadultstulsa
Instagram: @millennialyoungadults_tulsaPlease, contact us via the form below if you have any questions.
Millennial Kids
The Children’s Ministry of Millennial Tulsa is an energetic, happy, love-filled place to be! Our focus is to equip and encourage children to become the Superheroes God created them to be for such a time as this. We create an atmosphere for children to have fun together as they grow in the things of God. Every week, we play games and do activities that correspond with the lesson being taught. It’s amazing to see how the Holy Spirit seals the Word in their spirits in unique, memorable ways!
Our desire is to consistently demonstrate the love of God to our children so they will not only learn about Jesus but also experience Him. We teach the Word of God by the Spirit of God — not watered down, but simplified and easy to understand.
In Millennial, we fully expect and give place for God to fulfill His promise to pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh (Joel 2:28)—and that includes the young of all ages. We are training our children to be disciples who stand strong, victorious, and mighty in God’s Kingdom as a vital part of the end-time Church. In Millennial Church, with the love of God as our sure foundation, our Children’s Ministry exists for one purpose: To teach children how to know Jesus and to make Him known!
Kyle and Carolina Olphert, LeadersClasses:
Sunday 10AM
Nursery - Elementary
(Newborn - 4th grade)1st & 3rd Sunday 10AM each month
Nursery - Middle School
(Newborn - 5th & 6th grade)Tuesday 7PM
Nursery - Middle School
(Newborn - 6th grade)Please, contact us via the form below if you have any questions.